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Hello, I'm Sara and I've been passionately immersed in the world of trading since 2018, full-time.


Throughout my journey, I faced significant financial struggles and countless hours chasing the holy grail of technical analysis. It was in the pursuit of a "perfect" strategy that I realized the power was in the performance. This realization marked the beginning of a mindset shift. 


Trading made me face the harsh truths about myself, my belief system, and my reactions. It wasn't until I tackled this that I became a profitable trader. This skill remains the most challenging of my life and also the most beautiful.


Today, my passion lies in empowering traders to unlock their full potential on the charts, much like I did. My primary focus is on elevating their performance by assisting them in overcoming trading mistakes, which often need introspection and personal growth.


This is what gives my work a greater purpose.


My purpose is to teach committed traders to use their emotions as market data so they can become their own psychologists on the charts.


I aim to grow emotional intelligence in this field as a solution to help traders overcome their problems and achieve peak performance.

Sara - Trading Performance Coach
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